dying pygmy chameleon


New Member
well one of my little pygmys is dying for sure, and probly by tonight will be dead

there really was nothing else i could do, he would dig in the substrate in their cage and would get the little particles of stuff stuck in his eyes and i would wash it out but it just kept happening and his eyes started to get cloudy so i got some terramycin and applied it to his eyes a few times but they didn't get better and everyone once in a while he could get a cricket but not enough

this morning i found him in the top of their cage completely white and then when i turned the lights on he moved a little bit and fell to the ground, then he was on his back and his legs were moving hardly at all and his tail was going wild, it was the saddest thing i ever saw and now im at school so i can't even be there with him

this is going to be my first death of a chameleon but i knew it had to come sooner or later :(
rrr its a shame to hear this story i have two pygmys and two eggs currently in incubation i hope you get more chameleons and enjoy them.
Sorry about your loss. Pygmies can be hard-some die quick-some live forever it seems. Don't give up-just replace the little one. I have lost a few of them-you did everything you could.
Sorry to hear about your loss. Last year we lost a pygmy shortly after it arrived. It was our first chameleon death, as well. Sometimes they arrive ill, and at that size there's only so much you can do. I wonder if all the digging had to do with discomfort. We replaced ours and all our pygmys since have been doing just great. I agree with Juliers, don't be discouraged. Except for the ones that arrive with an issue, they really seem to be a robust little species.
oh yeah, he has had this issue for over a month and is just now passing on but im going to order a couple from flchams
sorry to hear about your loss. my male jackson has been very sluggish lately and every time i look for him in the cage i prepare myself for the worst. he has a vet appointment tonight. It took me 10 years to buy chamaleons again after losing 3 one month old jacksons in a one month period. I wish I had tried sooner
Sorry to hear that. It is never easy when you put your heart and soul into caring for these little guys.

its really tough to come home and see one of your little guys laying there on the ground, not moving and obviously dead but on the bright side im going order a couple tonight to replace him so all hope is not lost and thanks everyone for being so caring
sorry i lost my veiled because he was sold to me at too young of an age and had issues and past on.
Sorry to hear. My first chams were a trio of brevi. They came from a great breeder, they were 4 months when I got them, they lived for 4 months and all three died within a matter of days of each other. I still miss them :( and will get more at some point. It is difficult with the little ones since they are so hard to treat. Maybe if you have a good vet you might want to have a necropsy done or see if a cham vet out of state might do it free for research.

I truly feel for you :(
:( Bless your heart!! I am sorry to hear about your little guy. :(
Good Luck with the new ones and will wait for pics. :D
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