Eating dead leaves?


Chameleon Enthusiast
Hello! I’m not concerned at all but within the last few months I’ve seen todo eat a few dead leaves that I was a little too late to remove, I know veiled chameleons are known for eating plants so I didn’t question that. Fast forward to today, I seen Jack eat a dead leaf that I didn’t even know existed in his cage lol and was just wondering if there’s any reason for that? I’ve never seen either of them ever ever eat fresh alive plants so I’m very puzzled lol
Panther chameleons are known to eat dead leaves once in a while. For veileds, in my experience, the leaves are usually alive.

I can’t tell you why they do it …people have different theories. I’m not sure any of the theories have ever been proven.
I had quite a few mailed veileds nibble at leaves but gravid female veileds stripped the pathos bare. This is one reason that o
I can’t understand that the theory about them eating them to help push soft insects through the digestive system is THE reason or only reason.
I wonder how much moisture is in a live leaf? A dead one I think would be dry unless recently misted.
Panther chameleons are known to eat dead leaves once in a while. For veileds, in my experience, the leaves are usually alive.

I can’t tell you why they do it …people have different theories. I’m not sure any of the theories have ever been proven.
Interesting. Yeah I’m just very confused cause it’s ONLY been dead plants from both my veiled and panther, they definitely could be eating live plants when I’m not around but I don’t really notice any big chunks missing from the plants lol. I just heard a loud crunch from jacks cage and seen a brown leaf sticking out of his mouth 😂
I have yet to see my Veiled eating any leaves in his enclosure...😅
Just be thankful it’s not any dead ones 😂😂
I wonder how much moisture is in a live leaf? A dead one I think would be dry unless recently misted.
probably a good amount! The one he was eating was dead so I heard a loud crunch😂
Just like us there is something their bodies need. I had a Cham pic each tiny leaf off of each little stem of an oregano plant. It’s was amazing to watch how careful he was and left the stalk bare. So I went and bought another oregano plant, and he wouldn’t touch it. However it was a different kind of oregano. That may have something to do with why he didn’t touch it or he got what he needed.
Well I had a Cham that couldn’t target right. I realized his tongue went to an inch to the right. So I studied all the different leafy greens you can buy and found that collard greens had the most nutrients. I tore up leaves and put them in his bowl and he ate that every other day! It changed his poop to being darker. But it was an easy meal that he didn’t have to work for. I do think it saved him.
It actually looked like fresh green leaves, partially digested, in the shape of poop. I might have a picture. Carmelo definitely eats his greens. He was on a hunger strike so he had no feeders for 19 days but he had a poop every 3 days.
And are the greens digested when they come out of your chameleon?
My chams always were but I would like it would depend on how much they eat. Get some collard greens in there in the food bowel that way you can wash them and keep them in the frig and it has tons of vitamin A and K. Very good for chams too. I cut up a leaf so they are in 1-2” squares.
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