eating fig tree


New Member
today i bought a weeping fig tree as i thought it would look nice and plenty places for nelly to explore.
i went out for an hour and on my return i noticed the top section had been eaten.
i am sure this plant is non toxic but nelly is 2 months old and shouldnt be eating greens yet, i thought it could have been a cricket but they are only small size 2`s and only one went missing in the viv

i`m puzzled
weeping figs are on the safe plant list. therefore i dont think you have an issue. if your chameleon is a vield then there is no supprise that its been eaten. i dono how much was consumend but vields eat plants like crazy. i dont think you should worry. a chams not going to over stuff itself on greens to the point at wich its going to be harmed, if they did.....then chameleons woudlnt excist in the wild.
If your cham is eating the ficus to much I would remove it because that white stuff is mildy toxic and can cause eye problems.
You could increase your misting/dripper. Eatting veg is also a way of getting more fluid :)

I wouldnt remove the plant just yet. Keep an eye on your Cham and see how things go

Keep us updated :D
she is a veiled, the plant cost me £14.99 and dont want it to be eaten straight away
ive not really looked into fruit and veg for my cham as i didnt think she would need it for a while, anybody give me any tips
collard greens = most amount of calcium in a vield loves collard green leaves. theres so much calcium in them. its a great gutload aswell. get a few big leaves at a store. wash them . hang them from the top of cage and boom eaten! make sure they are organic though.
i put a few very small bits of cabbage in this morning with her and
she walked straight past them (over them) i suppose it takes

the fig tree does hold water on the leaves very well so she can have
a drink if she likes
Lol - I woudn`t worry too much about it so long as he`s not eating vast amounts. Gizzy has always munched her fig trees (we`ve had 3 now) and it has never had an ill effect other than a very bald tree :rolleyes: We now have a schefflera and pothos and she has had a dabble with those to. What we have noticed is that she only seems interested in the new leaves so she leaves it alone once she`s eaten them. Hopefully your little one will soon loose interest. Have you tried feeding Rocket and Cress ? Rocket is a big hit in our house.
Lol - I woudn`t worry too much about it so long as he`s not eating vast amounts. Gizzy has always munched her fig trees (we`ve had 3 now) and it has never had an ill effect other than a very bald tree :rolleyes: We now have a schefflera and pothos and she has had a dabble with those to. What we have noticed is that she only seems interested in the new leaves so she leaves it alone once she`s eaten them. Hopefully your little one will soon loose interest. Have you tried feeding Rocket and Cress ? Rocket is a big hit in our house.
i will try that its cheaper than buying a plant every few weeks ! thanks
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