In this thread, @MissSkittles posted about dear Stella stripping plants bare.. As of yet we still have no concrete answer as to why, veiled females in particular strip plants bare! And it’s still said by some that they can’t/shouldn’t have greens and such, as part of their diet because it’s not possible for them to digest the leaves because they don’t have the right digestive enzymes and the on,y reason I know of that has been put forward is that they need the River to push soft insects through the system.
If the reason is to push soft insects through, then why do only the females strip the plants bare while males mostly nibble?
Could anyone who has a veiled chameleon please post in a new thread im going to start now to let me know what their veileds do please?
If the reason is to push soft insects through, then why do only the females strip the plants bare while males mostly nibble?
Could anyone who has a veiled chameleon please post in a new thread im going to start now to let me know what their veileds do please?