Edgar is here!!!


New Member
Little guy was not shy at all!! Poked his head out, and then lunged onto my hand xD

Here he is, saying hallo to the world!!

Aaaand I walked in to find him like this xD

I think he slipped xD
I am glad you got the confusion sorted out.

I was following your little dude's story. Sorry about the cage mishaps you had with your friend!

What a cutie!~
I am glad you got the confusion sorted out.

I was following your little dude's story. Sorry about the cage mishaps you had with your friend!

What a cutie!~

So am I! got the reptibreeze today...wish I had gone DIY, but, oh well. This one has a huge hole in the top screen...thankfully, they offered a partial refund, so I'll get a screen repair kit and fix it all up...I think I need more plants, though....Umbrella plant isn't big enough....and neither is the pothos...yet xD Had to break out the fake stuff for now xD

He was babysitting us putting it all together, too xD (No worries, that's the outside. Big stick=lots of tacks xD)
Edgar is a handsome boy! if you have time this week or weekend i'd go to a park, or somewhere with lots of trees and cut a few branches of varying thicknesses and textures. The more vertical and horizontal paths the better. Crape Myrtle branches are nice because of the natural winding.
I have so many more sticks and dowels it hurts xD this was sorta hurried, as it was past his bedtime ;D so I'll continue putting more in tomorrow. He seems to like it, though. He spent a while exploring the pothos and umbrella tree, as well as testing every branch =3 I love him so much!!!
I got these wrought iron plant stands at Lowes and was able to raise my Sheffelera's up much higher in the cage. You can do it but turning another plant pot upside down too. That will help with some of the plant coverage in the top as well. NOt sure how big your enclosure is but a 5 gallon bucket would work too if the enclosure is tall enough. I think my stands are 17" tall, but I also have really big plants in 48" tall enclosures.

I agree more horizontal and vertical climbing branches. If you are getting dowels I think its a good idea to get some of varying diameters too so his feet are changing and getting different exercise. I bought a few bunches of curly willow branches and use those in my spaces as well. They guys seem to love them particularly climbing them vertically. I have a few that they can be right at the top of the enclosures (not right under lights). They seem to like that being on top of the world feeling.

He is awesome looking and I just love the out of the bag shot.

If you are like me your enclosures will always be a work in progress, plants grow, chams grow, I like to move stuff around now and then so they don't get too bored. Have fun with it, but remember its his house so make sure he has lots of places to hide if he doesn't wish to be seen.
He is adorable. My enclosure is work in progress too. George isn't in it yet, he's still in his young one.
Congrats on your new little guy.
Where did you get him?

He looks very tame.

He's from Crazy Eyes Chams (reptoman, on here).

Thanks everyone!! He's a hoot! He'll eat a couple crickets out of my hand (cup), and then just stares at me. He's sort of a shy eater. But only kind of. xD He hasn't drank yet, that I've seen...so he may get a shower later today. I have this nifty mist setting on my shower head that's perfect. I think I'm going to order a couple hanging orchids, and get some baby tears while I"m at it. That should fill it out pretty good. More dowels and sticks are going in tonight, I have a bunch just ready to go in. =D
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