Effective way of taking your veiled out of his cage


Retired Moderator
For experienced people with a pissy veiled chameleon,
please share us tips on how to take him out the cage with minimal stress as possible (for cage cleaning, administering medicine, etc etc).

thanks, guys and gals.
Big Leather Gloves.
Actually, only my female Veiled is pissy enough to warrant gloves, there is just no other way to get her out to clean her cage. All of my other chams are pretty easy to get out of their cages.
use another branch to coax him onto then place him on a plant outside of cage. This way you are not actually holding him. if you have to administer meds then you will obviously have to handle him and, as mentioned, leather/welding gloves may be necessary. For cleaning and other routine things I'd just use the stick method. Cyrus just cruises out to his jungle gym and lets me do what I want in his cage. it's quite handy.
OK-leather glove update. My female veiled bit me through the glove-a very hard brings tears to your eyes pinch on my ring finger. While I held her, my husband had to pry her incredibly well gripped feet from her vine. She is the meanest thing alive! She lunges and hisses. We did nothing different with her than any of the others, but she is just feisty to her very core and there is just not another way to get her out without her getting hurt. All is well now, and she is back in her freshly cleaned cage.
I usually try to get them to come out on a branch...but I also wear a loose long-sleeved sweat shirt that I pull down over my hands. If the chameleon bites the shirt, it usually gets a mouthful of shirt and my arm or hand stays safe underneath.
I use both my hands, open palms. One on each side of him so he can't turn around, then I extend my thumb so he has something to get on. This way he really can't get a bite with your open palms. He could bite your thumb though. He can't turn around and so can only move forward. Works great when he's really nasty. Good luck. David
I wish I could get her out with the ways you guys suggested, but she also bolts and I don't want her to fall and hit the ground. She is incredibly fast. And it is not the gloves, she will do this for my bare hands. I've tried everything! So now we opt for the fastest method possible for the shortest period of stress.
I try to get him to walk onto a branch. If this is unsucessful (I'm about 50/50) then I grab him the way you grab a bird. Gently but firmly, holding the body, with the head out, but with a finger and thumb high on the neck so he can't turn his head and bite you.

I do this when I have to take my usually very gentle and cooperative parrot to the vet for his pedicure. My parrot HATES getting his nails trimmed, and could easily take a finger off if he really wanted to. He was a rescue, so I have no idea what happened to him between 1995 (his hatch date) and 2002 (when I got him).

The hold works well on birds, lizards, even little pocket pets...
I wish I could get her out with the ways you guys suggested, but she also bolts and I don't want her to fall and hit the ground. She is incredibly fast. And it is not the gloves, she will do this for my bare hands. I've tried everything! So now we opt for the fastest method possible for the shortest period of stress.
WOW!...Sounds like you have a real pistol on your hands. Have you tried the open palms on each side or his he just to fast?
OK-leather glove update. My female veiled bit me through the glove-a very hard brings tears to your eyes pinch on my ring finger. While I held her, my husband had to pry her incredibly well gripped feet from her vine. She is the meanest thing alive! She lunges and hisses. We did nothing different with her than any of the others, but she is just feisty to her very core and there is just not another way to get her out without her getting hurt. All is well now, and she is back in her freshly cleaned cage.

Hmmmmm She must know my fiancé :eek: HAHA just kidding! :D
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