Egg Laying, Breeding, MBD


New Member
A few questions.

How long does it take once a female veiled to produce the eggs and then to lay them?

Do she lay them when instinct tells her 'time to come out'?


Is there a chart that shows what age she may be by the length of the body?

Breeding a young male veiled, maybe about 3.5" in body with a female veiled with its body 6"?

How long does it take to 'get it in'?

Does a young male veiled know how?


Got a male veiled with some MBD, about 3.5" in body, bowed legs, weak to climb, with proper care, dusting w/d3, lighting uvb, liquid calcium can he make a recovery on this alone? If so how long would it take?

Any tips on 'force feeding' drops of liquid calcium? Trick to open mouth? Currently spraying liquid calcium supplement on watermelon, hold up to his mouth and eventually in time it will taste and swallow it down.
If the female is mated it usually takes about 30 days before she lays her eggs. It can be sooner if she is producing eggs already at the time she mates. She will lay them when nature tells her it's time as long as she has a proper place to lay them and has the privacy to do so generally. Husbandry plays a big part in it too...If she hasn't been kept properly she may not have enough calcium to lay them or shell them properly. Once in a while they can have a physical issue (deformed eggs, reproductive tract deformities, etc) and not be able to lay them.

If she has not been mated its hard to say...they don't all reach sexually maturity at the same age this is why we recommend that an egglaying female chameleon has a place to dig and lay eggs in the cage so she won't become eggbound for lack of a place to lay them.

There is no growth chart...they can grow at different rates depending partly on the husbandry.

They do know how to do the deed. You need to know what to watch for to know when they should be put together. (you don't have them both living in the same cage do you?) you should definitely wait until the male's bones are strong again. Ask me then and ill explain what to do.

Regarding MBD... He should be able to recover from it with the liquid calcium, proper supplementing and gutloading of the insects and proper temperatures and exposure to the UVB...but I can't tell you how long it will take. A vet could do a blood test.

To get the liquid calcium into him you can ease a bit at a time into his mouth while he is opening and closing it while drinking or eating.
how can you tell if the eggs are fertile or not? If she burries the eggs, that ok? leave them there?If they hatch on their own it will be ok?
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