Eggs and mama panther..


New Member
Hey all,

Haven't been around for a while, life has kinda overtaken me....and throughout it all, my female has still not laid her eggs. Come November she will be 12 months old....

Recently she is becoming less energetic (slightly) but otherwise her old self. I put her in a large bucket with at least 12" play sand moistened enough to be able to tunnel into and cover the top 90% (to let a tiny bitl ight in) and she just turns dark :\

Caveat: I went on vacation for 3 days about 2 months ago and when I came back, she seemed "skinnier/lighter". However, she did not lay in eitherof the 2 lay bins (although there are several other planters she could have dug in). I have looked roughly and not found any signs of laying or eggs though....

1) 12 months without laying pushing it, or is this ok? I have been feeding her lightly to try and minimize laying.
2) Any ways to confirm she has eggs?
3) Given my position, should I continue putting her in the bucket even though she is turning dark? Should I change something about it?

The bucket is 12" across, 18" deep with 12" sand (and 6" empty), and I cover it with a cloth about 90% to let just a tiny bit of light in. I also have the play sand moistened enough that I can make a tunnel in it with my hand and it won't collapse on itself.

Thx :)
Did you breed her? If you havent, its a good thing she hasnt laid yet! Is she showing any interest in laying (going to the bin, roaming the bottom, slowed her eating down, showing gravid colors, etc?) if she doesnt have to lay, she obviously wont.
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