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Hello everyone. I have a clutch of Veiled eggs that are currently incubating in a drawer and look great, I think, however, I have a friends that laided eggs 2 weeks after mine and his are already hatching. This is our first round of babies so I have bee checking them often. I have them in vermiculite which is moist when I pinch test it. The eggs are not sunk in and have been growing, twice the size of the eggs she laid in November. I candled them and I can see the babies laying on the bottom of the egg and red blood supply to them. It seems like the babies are not taking up a large percentage of the egg that I would expect them to this far into the process. She laid this clutch at the beginning of May. I would say they are only taking up approximately 1/3 of the space in the egg. Not sure if something happened during the process or if they need more time. I ordered an incubator yesterday and should be getting it tomorrow, should I try to put them in the incubator or is it better to leave them be in the dark drawer. In the past I have always used an incubator however this time I thought I would do it without. We live in Florida and keep our house 74 degrees, winter or summer. I also have another clutch of veilds and a small clutch of panthers. If the eggs went bad would they decay and mold the same as they do right after they are laid.:confused:
I think I may need to warm them up some to get this show on the road, I have patients but I'm afraid if they go to long I will lose them.
Just curious, but do you know the temperatures inside of the drawer?

I'm thinking it should be fairly close to 74, but I'm just curious. Sometimes clutches hatch earlier than others, and sometimes they take forever. They are a little over 6 months into incubation so I think you're fine.

I don't know the temp in the drawer but I will get it and let you know. I may be being a little impatient. LOL!:D
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