Emotional Coloring?


New Member
My little boy has some rapid color changes! First when I'm holding him he turns green, turns sandy yellow for my dad, and turns brownish-grey for my mum. Is this from stress or does he genuinely have different emotions for us? Do I need to warm him up to my parents?

Should I be worried? Thanks for your input!

Also, Here's some information.

Chameleon Info:

Your Chameleon - Graceful Chameleon
Handling - Daily, how many times depends
Feeding - Crickets
Supplements - none
Watering - Drip system/Mist twice a day
Fecal Description - White with brown.
History - Eats on his own, had him only a few days, drinks normally, new to drip system, bred in captivity, probably about 3-4 months old.

Cage Info:

Cage Type - Screen 12x18x22
Lighting - 50 watt red heating bulb, UVB, both on top of cage
Temperature - Bottom around 73-75 F Basking about 80 F
Humidity - Between 60-80, regular misting
Plants - Ivy vines
Placement - My bedroom, on a small table near the corner, next to window
Location - South Carolina
Well, maybe its because he's not used to your dad, and needs time to adjust and why are you handling him every day, and you also need to supplement his food with calcium every feeding, and a multivitainim every month.
Alright, i'll get on that. I was hoping if I handled him every day for a short amount of time that he would become more docile by the time he is fully grown.
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