New Member
Hey everyone. First post here as a new chameleon owner. Last month near the end of December, I bought a jackson’s chameleon! I had researched and thoroughly looked through all best possible appliances and cages for my guy. Ultimately, I started him off in a glass palidarium (18x18x36) with a double light heat dome with concentrated bulbs (yikes). Throughout the time I got him, I kept on researching and just kept it going and going. As time went on, I learned more and more about the pros and cons of certain enclosures and quite literally everything you can think of. As time went on, the humidity in the glass enclosure became too much to handle and mold started to grow. I was already planning and looking into screen enclosures at the time and that sealed the deal for me. After spending money on a glass enclosure, and then immediately investing in a screen enclosure, I will show you the upgrade my little one got. Personally, I feel very much accomplished with his enclosure. However, if there is any advice at all that you guys would recommend, I am all ears! As of now, Ankle (my chameleon) has a reptisun t5 5.0 uvb light, a 50 watt heat bulb in an 8.5 inch deep dome, and a big dripper. Currently on order, I have a mistking and an arcadia jungle dawn LED to further support the growth of my plants. I will also be buying a repticooler to further give my guy the temperature drop he needs for the night (I would appreciate any other ac recommendations that exclude window ac if there’s anything else). There are holes drilled under the big umbrella plant in the center for drainage, and I will be getting a terrarium controller extension block to give him the perfect 12/12 hour day/night cycle. One thing I am curious of is where to buy a nice backdrop. I have been trying to find a 24x48 tropical style backdrop and I could not find anything; it was all custom and the price was a little steep for if being just a vinyl backdrop. I want to use this to further keep the high humidity in the night time. I am debating just buying a black shower curtain as a substitute. Anyway, here are the pictures of the old and new enclosure (Ankle is in both pictures btw, try and spot him!!)