Ever fed grapes to a panther?


Avid Member
I was wondering if anyone has ever been able to do this. I feed my beardy grapes occasionally and thought I would try and see if my female would take a small slice of grape. I stuck it out there in front of her and she shot her tounge at it. After hitting it a couple of times and not getting it to grab, I moved it right up to her nose and she grabbed it out of my fingers and chomped it down. She hesitated for only a couple of seconds after biting down and i thought she would spit it out, but she continued chewing and swallowing. I was surprised to say the least but now wonder if that was a good thing. Since many other reptiles eat grapes, (these are red seedless) I assume it would only help in hydration as long as I dont feed them too often. Any thoughts?
I was wondering if anyone has ever been able to do this. I feed my beardy grapes occasionally and thought I would try and see if my female would take a small slice of grape. I stuck it out there in front of her and she shot her tounge at it. After hitting it a couple of times and not getting it to grab, I moved it right up to her nose and she grabbed it out of my fingers and chomped it down. She hesitated for only a couple of seconds after biting down and i thought she would spit it out, but she continued chewing and swallowing. I was surprised to say the least but now wonder if that was a good thing. Since many other reptiles eat grapes, (these are red seedless) I assume it would only help in hydration as long as I dont feed them too often. Any thoughts?

I have a couple panthers that eat fruit including apple, banana, pear, peach, and mango. Both of my melleri and veiled like their fruits and veggies too.

See ya,

I always just feed them things that would be in the gutload... I figure how could it hurt to skip the whole gutload step you know?

See ya,


That makes perfect sense. If I could get my male to eat fruit it would make keeping him hydrated a whole lot easier. He does not drink like he used to....
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