Every day my PC wants to come out of his cage to poop.


New Member
Does anyone else experience this? Harold is about 1 year old. He's a happy guy eats well etc. In the morning I open the cage and he climbs on to my arm. I then put him by the window on a perch where he hangs out and inevitably poops (healthy poops every other day or so). He won't even poop in his cage any more. I then put him back in his cage where I hand feed him and let some silks of crickets free range and Harold goes about his day. He doesn't try to get out on his own but if I walk up to the cage or open it, he's right back on my arm. Does anyone else have such a social Panther chameleon? Any thoughts on this kind of behavior?
Ya my guy won't poop in his cage at all, I guess he knows that's where he lives, and doesn't want poop in his house. He does the exact same thing as your boy
Does anyone else experience this? Harold is about 1 year old. He's a happy guy eats well etc. In the morning I open the cage and he climbs on to my arm. I then put him by the window on a perch where he hangs out and inevitably poops (healthy poops every other day or so). He won't even poop in his cage any more. I then put him back in his cage where I hand feed him and let some silks of crickets free range and Harold goes about his day. He doesn't try to get out on his own but if I walk up to the cage or open it, he's right back on my arm. Does anyone else have such a social Panther chameleon? Any thoughts on this kind of behavior?

Sounds exactly like our panther George, but we're not so lucky however in that he likes to climb up our curtains across the pole over the window and down the other side.
He usually "poops" about halfway across!! - which aint ideal

Think we will look into a perch for him..

It is really nice to have a friendly guy though and we feel lucky, but I do feel that much of our success is due to great advice on this forum....
Agreed. Although Ive kept reptiles all my life this is my first chameleon and I've referenced this forum since day one. I'll always have a chameleon from here on out.
Same here, my panther will come running out and generally poop outside (or try to but i know the signs these days!

Did read on the forum that they will poop when excited or when moving alot.
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