Excess water on bottom of glass cage


New Member
Wondering if anyone have suggestions on what I can do to limit the amount of excess water that collects at the bottom of my cage. It is glass on the bottom so I can't think of a way to create a drainage, unless I find something that can drill a hole through the glass (inexpensive way). I do have one potted plant. Will a second potted plant decrease enough of the water from collecting on the bottom? There is enough water at the end of a day's misting cycle that I have to use a small towel to soak up water and ring out several times to get enough out of cage. Any ideas?
You could put a layer or paper towels in the bottom to absorb the water. You could drill a hole in the glass and put a bucket underneath to catch the water. You could tip the cage (it won't take much) so the water drains to one corner making it easier to mop or syphon up. You could put a false bottom on top of the glass one, tip THAT so the water collects in one spot and you can easily sponge or syphon it out.

But, as long as the accumulating water isn't so deep it can't evaporate before getting stagnant it may not be a big problem. Hard to say as we can't really see how much you are talking about.

Just above your message is a sticky message on the forum describing ways to drain cages...there may be other ideas to consider.
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