Exo Terra Flexarium access


New Member
Quick question, just starting out and doing some research on things I'd need, these seem the type of enclosures to go for but nowhere seems to mention how you access them, been mentioned that its a zip on the front? Just wondering if anybody can confirm / has a photo?

Yes, the zipper is located on the front.
Not to put down the flexariums, but i dont like them.
I bought one and tossed it in the addict a week after i got it.
They may be cheap, but they are cheap for a reason.
The screen is very dark and keeps light from entering. so, it is difficult to see the animal that is inside.
The only thing i use them for is when i do a full cage cleaning. otherwise it is in stroage.:rolleyes:
If you want quality go for a aluminum screen Vivarium.
I use a 100 gallon reptarium (dunno if its like the same thing or not..) for my Female Veiled. She seems to do okay in it. It is hard to see her sometimes but if you look carefully you can see her.

Most people prefere wire cages so you can fully see the Chameleon.
Simon all but one reptarium comes with zippers on the front. The 65 gallon has them on the top and bottom/or both sides depending on how you place it.

The zippers run along the top, side and bottom. Once undone it opens like a door.
Thanks for responses, do you know the actual makes of the better screen enclosures? I'm just researching at the moment, will have to be brought within UK though
Thanks for the links Zoey, those do look better than the flexariums, are they manufactured by anybody in particular? nothing comes in google searching fot aluminium screen cages, trying to find a stockist in UK
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