New Member
I did my research and I was pretty torn between getting a frog and a chameleon. So when I went to the reptile store, one guy said he had a tank with a Bearded Pygmy, a couple of Mantella Frogs (Dart Frogs that can't climb), and a newt. The other guys agreed with him that as long as it was a Poison Dart and it wasn't a Tree frog, then the two should be alright. I've had the tank for a week now with a Bearded Pygmy and a Guibe's Mantella ( and they seem to be getting along all right....frog can't climb, chameleon can...But for future reference because it's an 18"x18"x24", would it be alright to get more frogs in say a 1:1 ratio with the chameleons or just to focus on the chameleons?