Extreme vertigo?!


New Member
Hey, hope everyone is doing well.

Last night I pulled Gratch, my veiled, off of his free range a bit quicker than I probably should have.

He was hugging the highest branch like he was getting ready to sleep for the night- he wasn't asleep.... I had a bit of trouble getting to him, he was at a strange angle, I twirled him upside down and around as I was stepping down from my stepping stool. Before I knew it he was squinting his eyes shut as tight as he could and retched a few times like he was going to throw up!

I've pulled him down before, and he closed his eyes really tight until I got him back to his cage. That worries me, but this....

Was it just an extreme case of vertigo or am I giving my little buddy brain damage?
I always move extremely slow with mine. It would be ok for him to sleep in his FR. They are very sound sleepers and not going anywhere at night.
Yeah it sounds like you just stressed/freaked him out a bit. Had he eatten recently? maybe he wasnt quite done with a recent feeder. Or it was partially in his throat still from earlier in the day..
If I move too quick with Amy especially she screws her eyes up tight. Neither her or Tommy like being carried up the stairs. I don't do it often.
id presume its an instinct to protect there eyes, much like they close them for a fraction of a second when bringing there food back into there mouth, the only time in nature they would feel a sensation like that is when its really windy, so it may just be a defensive mechanism to not get there eyes poked out by a branch which may be headed on a collision path with them!
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