Eye Infection


New Member
I have a male veiled cham about 5 years old recently i noticed his eye looking different and bulging, what do i need to do to solve this?

P.S He recently shed and had some stuck on his eye, I increased misting and he was able to clean it off, could it be irritated from this?


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I’m so not an expert on any of this, so definitely wait for one or the more knowledgeable peeps to jump in with advice :) but I know sometimes shed can fall off into the eye and it get irritated. The vet mentioned eye flushing yesterday, but I’m not sure how to do that at home.

Sorry definitely not super helpful yet 😂
Yikes! Looks like your poor guy has something trapped in his eye. It may be a keratin plug, shed skin, anything really or some type of infection either in the eye or sinus. The only way to get a diagnosis and proper treatment is thru a good vet with experience with chameleons. If you need some help finding a good vet, just let us know your general location.
Yikes! Looks like your poor guy has something trapped in his eye. It may be a keratin plug, shed skin, anything really or some type of infection either in the eye or sinus. The only way to get a diagnosis and proper treatment is thru a good vet with experience with chameleons. If you need some help finding a good vet, just let us know your general location.
I’m located in Anchorage Alaska, I’ve reached out to a reptile rescue facility to see if they can help, not sure what I can do on my own.
From what I can find, there are two clinics in Anchorage with vets who have ARAV membership. https://members.arav.org/search/custom.asp?id=3661 I can’t find much info in the forum archives about how good they are other than this.
However fair warning to the OP, the vet for Collage Village is much more well hearsed in snakes last I knew but is definitely acceptable for chameleons in the most basic sense.
That was from a thread from 2016, so perhaps they’ve gotten more chameleon experience since then.
https://www.collegevillageanimalclinic.com/ https://www.hillsidepetclinic.com/services/exotic-animal-care
Even with vets who have a good deal of knowledge and experience with chameleons, we need to understand that they don’t know proper husbandry details the way we do. Just please, for the sake of your guy, if any vet ever tells you to ‘soak him’ or give him a warm bath or shower, just smile and nod and don’t actually do that to your guy.
From what I am seeing there is an infection. You can tell because the area has multiple places that are swollen. Not just the eye itself but near his sinuses. You would need a really good reptile vet.
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