Chameleon Info: Darwin
Your Chameleon - Nosy Faly, M, i'd guess he is 6 months old. Have had him for 2 months
Handling - I don't handle him too often, just got him used to coming out.
Feeding - Just been tossing crickets in the enclose or hand feeding. Usually about 6-8 crickets a day although he hasn't been eating much lately. I feed him in the morning when I wake up and when i'm home from school around 4. I use flukers for feed along with a potato.
Supplements - I have Flukers calcium w/o D3 that I will be using daily (just got it a few days ago) and then I have the exoterra multivitamin which I do every other week or so.
Watering - I have a dripper and I hand spray the cage. I usually do this about 4 times a day, sometimes I leave the dipper on. Normally he drinks all the time, he is still drinking but just not as often since the problem came about.
Fecal Description - Looks normal.
Has this chameleon ever been tested for parasites? No
History - Got him from backwater reptiles, pretty sketchy website.
Cage Info:
Cage Type - Screen cage 24"x24"x36"
Lighting - *All are Exo Terra bulbs*
In the big lamp-100w just for overall heat-desert series
Basking lamp- 75w daylight basking spot (has a Jackson on the box)
UVB bulb- 17W desert series 24"
Extra stuff that could be used if needed:
2 small dome lamps
-13w 10uvb desert bulb
-13w 2.0 UVB- full spectrum
(I was given most of these bulbs and lamps for free)
Temperature -
Basking spot gets to 92-94 ish
Floor is usually mis 80's, sometimes get to high 70's at night
I have 2 thermometers, one by basking, one near the floor.
Humidity -No tools to measure, my room is pretty humid and I spray the plant often.
Plants - Currently I have Umbrella plant in the enclose, but I used to use a money tree.
Placement - In a corner in my room, no draft. Cage is 6' tall total.
Location - Youngstown, Ohio.
Current Problem - The issue I am concerned about is few things that may go hand in hand. Firstly he has been closing his left eye pretty much all the time. Although he can open it fully if he chooses. The other issue is that he has been sleeping during the day and falls asleep pretty often. He also misses when he attempts to eat. I fed him a cricket by hand yesterday and he had to get up to an inch away before he could hit it.
I personally feel this is all because of his eye.
It almost looks like his under eye lid is swollen or maybe there is a tiny amount of pus in it. It hard to really say what it is. I've given him water baths and it does help but eventually goes back.
Also I already took him to the vet, but weirdly enough HE WAS 100% perfect both eye were open and he was moving around! I knew it was a random event and now hes back to normal, vet was no help. I think it was just the stress of driving him around for hours.
I sincerely appreciate any help, sorry for the long post
Your Chameleon - Nosy Faly, M, i'd guess he is 6 months old. Have had him for 2 months
Handling - I don't handle him too often, just got him used to coming out.
Feeding - Just been tossing crickets in the enclose or hand feeding. Usually about 6-8 crickets a day although he hasn't been eating much lately. I feed him in the morning when I wake up and when i'm home from school around 4. I use flukers for feed along with a potato.
Supplements - I have Flukers calcium w/o D3 that I will be using daily (just got it a few days ago) and then I have the exoterra multivitamin which I do every other week or so.
Watering - I have a dripper and I hand spray the cage. I usually do this about 4 times a day, sometimes I leave the dipper on. Normally he drinks all the time, he is still drinking but just not as often since the problem came about.
Fecal Description - Looks normal.
Has this chameleon ever been tested for parasites? No
History - Got him from backwater reptiles, pretty sketchy website.
Cage Info:
Cage Type - Screen cage 24"x24"x36"
Lighting - *All are Exo Terra bulbs*
In the big lamp-100w just for overall heat-desert series
Basking lamp- 75w daylight basking spot (has a Jackson on the box)
UVB bulb- 17W desert series 24"
Extra stuff that could be used if needed:
2 small dome lamps
-13w 10uvb desert bulb
-13w 2.0 UVB- full spectrum
(I was given most of these bulbs and lamps for free)
Temperature -
Basking spot gets to 92-94 ish
Floor is usually mis 80's, sometimes get to high 70's at night
I have 2 thermometers, one by basking, one near the floor.
Humidity -No tools to measure, my room is pretty humid and I spray the plant often.
Plants - Currently I have Umbrella plant in the enclose, but I used to use a money tree.
Placement - In a corner in my room, no draft. Cage is 6' tall total.
Location - Youngstown, Ohio.
Current Problem - The issue I am concerned about is few things that may go hand in hand. Firstly he has been closing his left eye pretty much all the time. Although he can open it fully if he chooses. The other issue is that he has been sleeping during the day and falls asleep pretty often. He also misses when he attempts to eat. I fed him a cricket by hand yesterday and he had to get up to an inch away before he could hit it.
I personally feel this is all because of his eye.
It almost looks like his under eye lid is swollen or maybe there is a tiny amount of pus in it. It hard to really say what it is. I've given him water baths and it does help but eventually goes back.
Also I already took him to the vet, but weirdly enough HE WAS 100% perfect both eye were open and he was moving around! I knew it was a random event and now hes back to normal, vet was no help. I think it was just the stress of driving him around for hours.
I sincerely appreciate any help, sorry for the long post