Eye problem?


New Member
I just got Fiona, my lovely little Jackson's Chameleon about a week ago from a breeder. I have noticed from the first day that she has had a little pinkish red around her eyes. Is this normal? If not, what can I do to help her?
Welcome to the forums. If you could fill this out https://www.chameleonforums.com/how-ask-help-66/ we will be able to help you out a lot easier.

There seems to be a lot of eye issues going around right now so you many of us will be able to help you.

Here is my thread about eyes, lots of information has been pulled together for this one and may help you.

Another thread

Go through the threads and see if any of that applies to you, and like I said fill out the form and we can help you WAY more, for now the only thing I can say is try to increase humidity/spraying. hope all goes well.
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