Favourite Feeders


Established Member
What are your favourite feeders for veiled chams. We feed locusts and crickets at the mo and occaisionaly wax worms. I want to introduce a lot more things such as roaches and things but want to know what everybodies favourites are.
Haven't tried the dreaded roaches yet! Amy has crix, locusts and supers (when she'll eat them) as a staple. Occasional treats consist of waxies and newly moulted mealies. She loves silkies when I can get them and Phoenix worms are a fave too! Haven't yet tried butterworms though.
I was thinkin of Phoenix worms actually. Going to visit a different pet shop tonight I'll see what they have. Can we feed phoenix worms and a regular basis? I haven't tried roaches yet either lol.
Oh I feed morio worms to my beardie!! They are are about 5cm long, is that ok to give Tilly as she's not that big! Also I thought this was like a giant mealworm and didn't think meal worms were a good idea?
I feed Amy the smallest ones that I have. I think Sandrachameleon said that the worm should be shorter than half the chams body. Something like that anyway. They love the newly moulted white ones!
Ah they might be alright for her then. Thing is I don't ever seem to find a newly moulted one lol and how can you actually tell the difference. I hate them, they are disgusting. I can touch wax worms and locusts but not these things yuk!
The newly moulted ones are white, but they don't seem to moult very often! I have only recently got brave enough to have one on my hand! Locusts and waxies are fine though! I love the smooth velvety feel of waxies!:D
Yeh I don't mind putting the wax worms in my hand. What I don't like is when Tilly squidges them and a little bit of guts pops out on to my hand.
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