Feeder Dusting??


New Member
So today I bought 500 crickets from Petsmart at 10 cents a piece. coming out to be $50... Feel like I got a terrible deal what with the prices I saw online. But weather is cold so i had no other choice... But while I was there I bought some " Rep-Cal Phospherus free, Calcium with Vit. D" which I just wanted to make sure I only dust his crickets with this every couple weeks.. Then also I got "Rep-Cal Herpitivite Multivitamins" this has Calcium and a bunch of other nutrients on it. do I dust crickets with this stuff everytime before I feed my Cham?

I just want to make sure I got the portions right.. Id hate to poison him.


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So I can alternate these two every monday? then buy what you recommended to use every other time before I feed him?

What is best (easiest/most conveniant) way to dust crickets?
Yes. I use a cup and plop the crickets in then shake them around in a pinch sized amount of dust. They should only be slightly lighter than before they were dusted.

Here's my schedule:

mon-fri: calcium w/o d3
sat: none
sun: calcium w/ d3

week 2:
mon-fri: calcium w/o d3
sat: none
sun: multivitamins

week 3:
repeat week 1

week 4:
repeat week 2
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