New Member
Before my roommate and I got our little guy we did a bunch of research on general chameleon care and he's been doing great! I've raised a lot of reptiles and other animals so I'm decently well versed in general care, but not an expert in chameleons.
No problems, seems healthy and happy. He's about a year old now and I've read so many different things regarding feeding; how much, how often etc. he gets meal worms and crickets and gets fed every morning.
Usually feed him 6-7 medium/large meal worms or 5 small crickets and just started feeding medium crickets which I give him 3-4, depending on the size of the cricket. He gets calcium powder and D3 powder alternating everyday.
I just wanted some insight on if he's getting a good amount of food or what to change to better his diet because we love is little man and want the best for him! Here's a picture of him to give an idea of his size and weight
Thank you for any advice!
No problems, seems healthy and happy. He's about a year old now and I've read so many different things regarding feeding; how much, how often etc. he gets meal worms and crickets and gets fed every morning.
Usually feed him 6-7 medium/large meal worms or 5 small crickets and just started feeding medium crickets which I give him 3-4, depending on the size of the cricket. He gets calcium powder and D3 powder alternating everyday.
I just wanted some insight on if he's getting a good amount of food or what to change to better his diet because we love is little man and want the best for him! Here's a picture of him to give an idea of his size and weight
Thank you for any advice!