feeding a baby


Established Member
I plan on feeding my baby veild (about 3") worms in a cup and a few 1/4" free feed crickets. I have a few questions about supplements and worms to use.

1) do i have to powder worms too?
I have the normal calcium w/ and w/o D3 and a multi vitamin from LLLRep

2) what worms would be best to use/try?
I was thinking pheonix worms becuase of their shelf life, or at least ive been reading on suppleir sites that they have alonger shelf life

3) about how many worms/crickets per day?
I know babies should get 8-12 crickets a day, and when feeding worms substitute worms for crickets not in a 1:1 ration but in a body mass/size ratio. So iwas figuring like 2 worms and 3 or 4o crickets to start?

Sorry if thee seem like dumb questions, im just starting down the Cham trail and relly dont wanna mess up
1/4" crickets are really small. You can probably get larger ones... My two month old veiled is eating 1/2" ones like a champ, but use your best judgement. As long as its width is smaller than the space between the cham's eyes you can use it (it can always be longer.)

1) You dont have to dust worms if you are also feeding (dusted) crickets that day. Do you have a future dusting schedule?

2)Pheonix worms are great and so are silkworms. A lot of older chameleons wont eat pheonix worms because they're too small, so be prepared for that. You can also breed pheonix worms yourself as they occur all across america. In my opinion, breeding silkies is fairly easy so long as everything is kept clean and warm. Plus silkworm eggs can be kept in a fridge for many many months.

3)What I do is throw four or five crickets in little Pan's cup in the morning and check back later. If he's eaten all of them I throw in another three or four. Some days he doesn't eat as much because some crickets are bigger than others, so I guess he's eating just as much but with less crickets.
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