Feeding June Bugs


New Member
I live in Ohio and i get a bazillion june bugs around here in the summer. Are they safe to feed to my veiled?
haha yeah we get lots of them too here. Though ours has not invaded yet XD I usually start to notice them more late may
As a Texas man I have been wondering this same thing... We get them in the zillions out here every night... I bet if you gut load them the should be no problem... But I could be wrong
I would think if u could gut load them with sum pesticide free food they would be ok. But they eat my roses up and I dust em so I know the ones in my hood are not safe. Hate june bugs myself.
I have fed them to my panthers in the past with no issues. Wish i could find more. That being said - that was my experience. Yours may vary!
I live in Ohio too. I have fed them to my bearded dragon no problem. He runs around like godzilla, pigging them down. My chams are too small to fed them.
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