Feeding question


New Member
Day one with my new baby(3 months old) panther chameleon I saw him eat two crickets. Day two I don't think that he ate a single one. Aren't young ones supposed to be eating everyday. I tried to cup feed him but he doesn't grasp the concept of approaching the cup from the top and shot his tongue into the side of the cup several times. I tried creating one of the sunny d feeder things that I've read about on here but all the crickets get out. The ones I have roaming the cage all climb to the top and he doesnt go after them or he just doesnt see them. I really don't want the little guy to starve so any tips that I could try tomorrow would be appreciated.
Oh and if anyone could message me how to add pics on here from an iPhone I would love to show some pics of the little guy and his setup.:)
Are the crickets possibly too large for him?

use a dark coloured, opaque bowl that he cannot see through the sides of, positioned directly below a favourite branch.
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