Hey everyone! 
Okay, I have some questions about a feeding schedule and supplements, and so forth.
*Do you use a cricket cup for holding crickets or let them roam in the cage, and how many do you offer a day for an older juvenile/young adult?
*What supplements do you offer daily [such as calcium, etc.], weekly, and monthly, and when?
*I read that veileds should always be offered veggies, if so, how much and what do you give them, and where/what do you place them in?
*Do you have a list of nutrious snacks [such as various types of worms] that you offer your veiled on the side daily, weekly, or monthly?
*What do you gutload your crickets [such as veggies and brands of cricket crack], and what do you feed them daily even if they are not being offered that day?
I just like being able to compare info I read everywhere, so I know I will get out on a good start with my upcoming cham.
Thanks guys.
Okay, I have some questions about a feeding schedule and supplements, and so forth.
*Do you use a cricket cup for holding crickets or let them roam in the cage, and how many do you offer a day for an older juvenile/young adult?
*What supplements do you offer daily [such as calcium, etc.], weekly, and monthly, and when?
*I read that veileds should always be offered veggies, if so, how much and what do you give them, and where/what do you place them in?
*Do you have a list of nutrious snacks [such as various types of worms] that you offer your veiled on the side daily, weekly, or monthly?
*What do you gutload your crickets [such as veggies and brands of cricket crack], and what do you feed them daily even if they are not being offered that day?
I just like being able to compare info I read everywhere, so I know I will get out on a good start with my upcoming cham.