Feeding schedule/questions


New Member
Hey everyone! :)

Okay, I have some questions about a feeding schedule and supplements, and so forth.

*Do you use a cricket cup for holding crickets or let them roam in the cage, and how many do you offer a day for an older juvenile/young adult?

*What supplements do you offer daily [such as calcium, etc.], weekly, and monthly, and when?

*I read that veileds should always be offered veggies, if so, how much and what do you give them, and where/what do you place them in?

*Do you have a list of nutrious snacks [such as various types of worms] that you offer your veiled on the side daily, weekly, or monthly?

*What do you gutload your crickets [such as veggies and brands of cricket crack], and what do you feed them daily even if they are not being offered that day?

I just like being able to compare info I read everywhere, so I know I will get out on a good start with my upcoming cham. :D Thanks guys.

Have you checked out the two topics "stickied" at the top of this forum? One is about supplements and the other is about feeders.
Yes, but I wanted to see how everyone does their's and compare them to eachother, and one another's opinions.

I apologize forehand if there are similar threads or I shouldn't have posted it in the first place.
Feeding chams is dependant on a number of factors.
1. Age: younger eat more as they they generally speaking slow down eat less
2. Cup feeding should be attempted as it makes keeping track of feeders easier and cage cleaner, safer for cham. since crix do bite on occas.
3. Number of chams you have. Obviously if you have 30 chams hand feeding is not really an option . but if you have one or two thats a very good way to keep track of amt of feeding and gain animals trust. makes the cham less skittish when you have to service the cage also.
Thank you for the info. I am planning on only having one for the time being [but I hear that cham addiction spreads! ;)] and I will definately try hand feeding also. I am pretty much certain I will be cup feeding, but I just wanted to see what other people do.

What types of cups do you use to hold the crickets in while in the cage? Where do you locate your cups?
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