Feeding silkies?


Established Member
When i got Reptar this morning Steve gave me some silkies and they had some leaves/dirt in their cup. The hungry little effers ate most of their leaves, just in one morning!!

what else can i put in there so they wont die/are gutloaded?
When i got Reptar this morning Steve gave me some silkies and they had some leaves/dirt in their cup. The hungry little effers ate most of their leaves, just in one morning!!

what else can i put in there so they wont die/are gutloaded?

more leaves ;)

But if he only gave you a few... like 10... they'll last up to a week with no food if you don't let them get too hot and dry.
I have heard you can give them Collard Greens & Kale if that is all you have. I have never done this myself though so I would wait until someone veifies.
more leaves ;)

But if he only gave you a few... like 10... they'll last up to a week with no food if you don't let them get too hot and dry.

haha im worried about what leaves to feed them, and he gave me a TON which is good cuz Reptar seems to like them (has had 2 today). Like 35+ of them. I was planning on using them as part of a "staple" anyway so its a good start.

I was going to order some from mulberry farms too.

leafy greens are a go?
If ya put carrots on a cheese grater I hear they'll eat the little bits.... and then turn orange lol.

You live in OC... find a grade school... and look for a mulberry tree. They have them planted at the schools for when the children grow silk worms.
like i know where a mullberry tree is or looks like haha ill find a homedepot or something with one and steal some leaves there. As long as they will last a while till i find something ill be ok. Reptar loves them and the crickets i have need a few days of growth before they will be big enough to really be seen in the cage so im still figuring out a feeding schedule

I found a tree nursery near me that has mulberry trees.... but they have 3 kinds! Persian, Pakastan, and White! Are they all the same, or is one better than the others? Or heaven forbid is one poisonus?
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