Feeding strategies


New Member
I bought my veiled chameleon a day ago. He’s been perfectly fine with eating until this morning. I put about 7 crickets in there and he seemed to get irritated. Maybe there was too many? He doesn’t like when they touch him either. It looked as though he was trying to hide or defend himself. Any advice?
I bought my veiled chameleon a day ago. He’s been perfectly fine with eating until this morning. I put about 7 crickets in there and he seemed to get irritated. Maybe there was too many? He doesn’t like when they touch him either. It looked as though he was trying to hide or defend himself. Any advice?
What size crickets he probably needs smaller ones
Some are bigger than others. They are the smallest size though.
Also chameleons sometimes take a while to adjust to a new home he may have just ate because he was so hungry but now is getting used to his surroundings try leaving some in a cup for him and let him be alone or atleast think he is.its best to leave them alone for a few days when u first get them so they can get used to there new surroundings it would also be a good idea to fill out how to ask help form so people can help you make sure your doing what you need too keep him healthy.
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