New Member
I am very new to chameleon keeping. My girl chameleon was a rescue as the family had killed off the boy & other girls through neglect. I picked up a boy for her at the reptile show last weekend. They are nosy be panther chameleons. The girl is about 1.5 years old and has bred once already. The boy is about 7 months old. Each are about 4-5 inches from nose to the start of the tail. I keep reading different things so I am not 100% certain how best to feed and suplement them.
I usually keep 2 week old crickets as feeders for my other pets & they are fed High Calcium Cricket Diet by Flukers & Cricket Quencher Calcium by Flukers. I also add the occasional fresh fruits & vegetables left over from feeding my sulcata & beardies. Do I still need to dust with calcium if they are gutloaded with all this calcium already? Should I start keeping larger crickets for the chameleons or is this size ok? How many crickets should this size of chameleon get per feeding?
The chameleons are also getting silkworms 1-2x per week but I don't quite know what to gut load those guys with & I don't dust them. I think (based on my reading) I need to add a multi-vitamin & a calcium with D-3 dusting 1x per month at least (more if the girl is gravid). I typically put 3 or 4 large ones in each tank on the days I feed these, is that enough?
I also keep superworms that eat mainly oats with some calcium supplement mixed in but I notice that they are not reccomended for frequent use because of the fat content. How often can I safely give them this treat?
I can also feed them pinkies as I have 11 snakes that currently eat them. Is it suggested to give them these once a month just like my vet has me give to my beardies to prevent anemia & help with keeping the girl recover from egg laying?
The lights concern me as I don't know when they were last replaced (they came with the girl) but I'll go shopping tonight and get new florescent tubes instead of the coil ones they are currently using as the general concensus seems to be avoid most of the coil ones.
Any assistance you can give me would be greatly appreciated as I'd hate to destroy these pretty animals through my own negligence or lack of understanding.
I usually keep 2 week old crickets as feeders for my other pets & they are fed High Calcium Cricket Diet by Flukers & Cricket Quencher Calcium by Flukers. I also add the occasional fresh fruits & vegetables left over from feeding my sulcata & beardies. Do I still need to dust with calcium if they are gutloaded with all this calcium already? Should I start keeping larger crickets for the chameleons or is this size ok? How many crickets should this size of chameleon get per feeding?
The chameleons are also getting silkworms 1-2x per week but I don't quite know what to gut load those guys with & I don't dust them. I think (based on my reading) I need to add a multi-vitamin & a calcium with D-3 dusting 1x per month at least (more if the girl is gravid). I typically put 3 or 4 large ones in each tank on the days I feed these, is that enough?
I also keep superworms that eat mainly oats with some calcium supplement mixed in but I notice that they are not reccomended for frequent use because of the fat content. How often can I safely give them this treat?
I can also feed them pinkies as I have 11 snakes that currently eat them. Is it suggested to give them these once a month just like my vet has me give to my beardies to prevent anemia & help with keeping the girl recover from egg laying?
The lights concern me as I don't know when they were last replaced (they came with the girl) but I'll go shopping tonight and get new florescent tubes instead of the coil ones they are currently using as the general concensus seems to be avoid most of the coil ones.
Any assistance you can give me would be greatly appreciated as I'd hate to destroy these pretty animals through my own negligence or lack of understanding.