

New Member
Hi, I've had my chameleon for a little over a month now, and mostly I just drop a couple of crickets in the cage and she snags them when they climb to the top. She has a bowl of meal worms that sits at the top of the cage, but should I get a hanging feeder to put the crickets in? She does climb to the bottom from time to time, so not sure if I should.
Hi and welcome to the forum! You should get a feeder run for your chameleon’s food like the ones sold by https://www.fullthrottlefeeders.com/ . But you should also be providing your chameleon with a bigger variety of feeder insects like dubia roaches, silkworms, black soldier fly larvae, superworms, and hornworms. Properly gutloaded of course.


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Hi and welcome to the forum! You should get a feeder run for your chameleon’s food like the ones sold by https://www.fullthrottlefeeders.com/ . But you should also be providing your chameleon with a bigger variety of feeder insects like dubia roaches, silkworms, black soldier fly larvae, superworms, and hornworms. Properly gutloaded of course.
Thank you. We just got her to start eating the mealworms. She was our first reptile period, we now also have 2 geckos though. Trying to make sure she stays healthy and strong. So I will definitely look into the other stuff for feeding her. Right now I feed her crickets mainly that I have eating the flukers gutload and then I coat them with calcium. Definitely will look into those feeders to. Thanks again
Hi and welcome. :) Do check out the forum sponsors for sources of a variety of feeders https://www.chameleonforums.com/sponsors/?tag=food and especially https://www.rainbowmealworms.net/shooting-gallery-chameleon-feeder-1/
You haven’t asked anything beyond feeding, but I’m curious about your husbandry. With our little ladies, everything needs to be as perfect as possible to prevent egg laying problems. Are you using any other supplement besides calcium? Does your calcium contain D3 or not? Would you post some pics of your chameleon and her enclosure? I just have to be a mother hen. 😄
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