

New Member
Sorry if this is long. So Zeke quit eating crickets. I bought him some blue bottle flies he ate a couple that I saw and I was happy. I left five in his cage before I left for work, when I came home all 5 flies were just sitting on him. I took them out immediately. Today I put.one fly in his cage and an hour later it was just sitting on him again. I tried putting some wax worms, mealworms and super worms in a cup for him he just stared at them. Finally I took him out of his cage and when I do that he puffs up and opens his mouth at me in disapproval. I took advantage of this and dropped a waxworm in. He ate it then I dropped a super worm in. He is not normally hand fed. Will he eventually he eventually eat on his own? I dust his food, the basking temp is around 85 and humility is around 80. He's a fischers.
Fischer's can be tough...if he hasn't been checked out yet, he probably came with a host of parasites.
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