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I just got a veiled cham and i noticed him not eating yesterday i gave him 3 crickets to roam around his terraium and i think he ate one cause i took 2 dead ones out this morning so i decided to cup feed him to make sure hes eating so i dusted 3 crickets and put them into a cup he sees them and everything but he just looks at them and wont eat them hes literly inside the cup looking at them for a nice amount of time now im not standing and watching so i don't believe he is not eating cause of me i come back every 10-15 mins to check up. Also hes turning black and going back to a light green. I just checked again and he left the cup went on a branch and turned black. what should i do ?
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My Panther wont cup feed with crickets, but will eat mealworms & waxworms from a cup. I fashioned a little climbing frame using bamboo skewers & cotton which I place in the cup. When the crickets climb this frame, he picks em off usually as they get to the top.

Maybe try some different feeders. What were the previous keepers feeding it ?
Also, are you gutloading your crickets. They shouldn't really die within 24 hrs. Give them something with a little moisture to keep em alive.
I use grapes, carrot, orange & greens to gutload my crickets. All the vitamins then get passed on to your cham.

Also I believe that many veiled enjoy fruit & vegetables. Try A few grapes, strawberries & greens. You could put these in the cup with the crickets & he may get the idea.
the first ones i didn't gutload since i just came home with him and the crickets so i put them in but the ones i put in today had pieces of grape and pepper in the box. i was using a clear plastic cup but now i changed it to a green one and hes currently by the cup looken at the crikets. crickets and grasshoppers and some sort of worms i can get but everything is closed today since in Poland everything is closed on sundays. I will put some grapes in the cup to
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