Feet inflamation, loosing claws


New Member
There's a adult Pantherchameleon I know of who's toes are swollen and some of his claws have fallen off. He has trouble climbing because he can't grip the branches properly. It all started with a few sores under his feet (red, but not bleeding) that was treated with anticeptic fluid and seems to have healed well. The owner won't take him to the vet and plans to have the animal put to sleep if he doesn't get well.

Question, is there any way of treating this without going to the vet? I think he's in pain too. A remedy of some sort that will make the swelling and possible inflamation go down and stop further claw loss?
I dont know about that (my guy has lost toenails also but not because of swolen feet) Is there any way you could take possession of the animal in question and take it to the vet for help? I cant believe someone would just put down an animal instead of trying to help it get better when it could just be a minor care problem...
Veterinarian fees are very high in my country and he just lost his job. I have my own animals to care for and can't afford more. :( It's such a damn shame, it's a beautiful animal. It kills me that I can't help him getting well.
He should try giving it away to someone that actually cares about animals and will get it help. When you take an animal, it becomes a responsibility. Maybe you can take if and find it someone? Is there anything in the cage that would cause his feet to blister? How far is the light from the top if the screen? It could be too hot for him, got his feet burned, and since absolutely no care was given to him, lead to an infection?
The blisters were probably due to wet branches. There's nothing in his terrarium that can cause them. The interiour of the terrarium is fine, nothing he could burn himself on and not too hot, everything is measured (temp and humidity).

What I was asking for is if someone knew of a remedy that can help heal the inflammation. There's nothing else I can do, I don't know anyone with enough money to take on a sick chameleon.
Unfortunately, there is no easy way to go for this animal. A swollen and inflammated foot can only be properly treated by the vet's. It doesn't really make sense to give antibiotics or anti-inflammatory drugs or even pain killers without actually knowing what to fight. And those cost money, of cause, too. One should also know if bone structure's affected yet (can be easily seen via x-ray), which could make an amputation necessary depending on severity of the case.

Maybe you can phone some animal sanctuaries or shelters or some reptile vets in your country to get help? Giving the animal to a shelter which stays in contact with reptile enthusiasts could be another option. Or at least phone your reptile vet and talk about monthly deferred payment, many collegues probably would agree on this. But I (luckily) know noone who would euthanize a chameleon only due to an inflammated foot which can be cured.
Thanks for the suggestions, Alexl. I will do my best to solve this. I kinda knew there would be no easy fix but thought I had to ask just in case.
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