female jackson


New Member
i got a female jackson chameleon i was told she is possibly pregnant i noticed that she doesnt eat crikets she will eat meal worms which i cover in calcium for her is there possibly something wrong
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I can say right off the bat though that you have to give her something other than meal worms. They are not good to feed daily.
alot of chameleons choose worms over crickets. There are better choices of worms for you to feed, such as silkworms, or hornworms.

Here's a link to the "how to ask for help" form. Copy that, paste it into a reply and add your info. It won't stop the questions, but it will reduce them by a huge factor.

I really think you should post pictures of your chameleon. How close she is to giving birth is something you want to know.

You need to be ready for babies. She will not lay eggs, she will drop "sacks" on vines, or the ground or wherever that have babies in them. You need to get the babies away fairly quickly...Mom won't remember that they are hers and she will be hungry....It's not like it's a race...she'll be in recovery mode for awhile, but it's best to get the babies out sooner rather than later. Babies can be kept in an aquarium for the short term if needed. Provide climbing opportunities. You'll need fruit flies or pinhead crickets. Check around. You might be able to get fruit flies at PetSmart of PetCo, which would make your life easier.
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