Female Veiled Chameleon


New Member

I have a female veiled chameleon. She was an adult when I got her, but I've only had her a year, so I'm not sure how old she is.

Lately she's been acting strange. I've noticed she's constantly falling asleep, and while she used to wake up as soon as I turned her lights on, now it'll be an hour or two before she wakes up. I keep noticing her neck getting puffy slightly below where it normally would when she puffs up due to feeling threatened. She also used to be very receptive to being taken out of the cage - she used to just walk out if you held a hand out. Now, she seems to have no interest.

Today I noticed fragments of worms and crickets in amongst a sort of white slime on the bottom of her habitat. I didn't see it happen, so I'm not exactly sure where it came from.

Today, she was sitting with her mouth hanging wide open, and started convulsing and moving strangely. My sister described it as a worm-like movement. She was almost slithering across the cage.

So far I haven't had any sort of health complications with her, so I have no idea what to make of any of this. Has anyone experienced anything like any of this?

Thank you!
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