Female veiled chameleon


New Member
chameleon laid 47 eggs today .... I was wondering when will she be able to mate now with my male
Veiled the eggs that she laid are not fertile by the way
You can put them together when she is ready. To test for this, hold the female outside of the male's cage so they can see each other but not get at each other and observe the reactions. If she turns dark, hisses, gapes, rocks back and forth, lunges at the male, etc then she is not receptive and should be put back in her own cage. If she is calm, does not inflate her body, turn dark, hiss, rock, etc then she is receptive.nif the male is receptive then they can be put together...but watch to make sure things don't turn bad and after the mating, as soon as she starts to repel the male, separate them.
Although I agree with all kinyonga says. I would give her at least 6 to 8 months to recuperate. When they lay eggs their bodies use a lot of energy, and calcium to produce those eggs. If you breed her too fast it could make her weak, and cause her to get egg bound.
Veiled females can produce eggs three or four times a year when not mated...so if she's left for six months she will likely produce another clutch anyhow...but I would give her a while before mating her so she can recover. Probably she won't mate right away anyhow because she likely naturally "knows" when she should mate.
Veiled females can produce eggs three or four times a year when not mated...so if she's left for six months she will likely produce another clutch anyhow...but I would give her a while before mating her so she can recover. Probably she won't mate right away anyhow because she likely naturally "knows" when she should mate.
Wow that often? I was lucky if mine would lay eggs twice a year. Must have something to do with the setup. You think?
Reproduction can be affected by the diet and other husbandry...controlling their diet at the right time in their cycle seems to affect reproduction and play a part in clutch size too.
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