Female Veiled Gravid?


New Member
Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - Female Veiled, Approx: 20 months
Handling - Never
Feeding - 10 Crickets Daily
Supplements - Zoo med Repticalcium without d3 daily, with d3 twice a month
Watering - Aquazamp raindome and additional mister, 5 times a day for 1.5 minutes.
Fecal Description - Healthy looking with slightly yellowed urate
History - Has had previous bouts of strange sickly behavior but has always bounced back in a matter of days

Cage Info:
Cage Type - Screen, 24X24X48
Lighting - 100 watt basking light, 2 Exoterra UVB100 26 watt
Temperature - 87.6 at the very highest point directly underneath the basking light and 72.3 at the lowest point
Humidity - Between 75% after sprays down to 40-30 just before a spraying it can get down to the 20s occasionally
Plants - One Pothos Plant
Placement - Up four feet high in a bedroom (low traffic area)
Location -South East Wisconsin

Lately my female veiled has been acting somewhat odd the past few days. She has the black spots on her like shes mad and aggravated. Also she hangs around by her feeding cup a lot more than usual. lastly she looks a tiny bit fat like she could be ready to lay. Shes had a laying bin forever but she really only poops in it. She has never laid eggs before.
However my basking light has been out for a few days until I finally replaced it and I cant remember if she was like this before the light went out
What could be the issue?


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She could be ready to lay, not saying this is what's up with you Cham, but a female Veiled that we have had close to the same coloration just before laying a infertile clutch. She was basically a little stressed, we covered her enclosure with a towel and within 2 days she laid that clutch of eggs. I checked on her not to long after covering the sides and giving her privacy and her coloration lost the dark spotting and her green cooled down to her normal light green and her barring went back to a light blue with yellow spotting, just seemed to me like she was a little stressed not having privacy. Maybe someone else will chime in that has more experience with Veiled's, that sees or has experienced something otherwise. Also, all my Veiled gals when close to laying eggs get abnormal with there eating regiment. Forgive iPhone errors please.
She looks more stressed than gravid.

gravid coloring tends to be an all back body, with intense robins egg blue spots and mustard yellow spots.

the bars shes sporting, look pissed.

now, she may still be gravid with infertile eggs, but my females have never changed to gravid coloring when they need to lay a infertile clutch.

as long as she has access to a good lay bin, and its damp enough for her to dig, then she will lay if and when shes ready.

i would replace that basking bulb though, and fyi you can just use household bulbs.

most of us do.
Also, you should start reducing her food intake and her heat.

I would feed her 4-6 bugs every other day, and reduce her temps to around 85 max.

by doing this, you can decrease her clutch size, and even stop her egg production.
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