females sleeping all day


New Member
Chameleon Info:

* Your Chameleon - have a female vieled...about 6 months old
* Handling - rarley if ever...only to clean the cage
* Feeding - cricketts daily...pheonix worms weekly
* Supplements - herpavite multivitamin/rep cal calcium with vitd mixture every other day
* Watering - cage is misted/sprayed....at least twice a day for a couple of minutes
* Fecal Description - white with some darker spots...like bird poop

Cage Info:

* Cage Type - mesh cage
* Lighting - 1 75 watt heat bulb and 1 50 watt uvb....50 watt night light
* Temperature - day 80 to 90.....night 65 to 75
* Humidity - about 75 %
* Plants -there are a couple of fake vines that twist around the cage...one piece of driftwood that stands in the cage....and a real plant that was picked up a a local store

Current Problem - lately Layla has been very lathargic...she sleeps a lot....even during the day which we have heard is bad.... she is eating cuz the cricketts going into the cage are disappearing...she also is about six months old and has only shed once... and does not seem to be growing...we have had her since she was a couple of weeks old....i have no idea what is wrong with her
ive also noticed that her face is turning white....we have another vieled as well....she is not having the same issues as layla but she too seems to be changing color...they both used to be very solid shades of green...now in spots on them they are losing color and starting to turn white
Can you post some pictures please?

Does she have a place in the cage to dig to show you when she wants to lay eggs? Does she sit low in the cage? Was she roaming around the cage before she became lethargic?
Where is your UVB light? I also question the night light, and you should NOT be using Herptivite every other day, nor Calcium with D3 every other day, nor mixing them.
i have a red light that stays on at night...it is much smaller...then the day lights....the uvb is in a clamp above the back corner of the cage....

the supplements say on the directions to mix together??? ill try to post pics
and yes she was hangin out on the ground of the cage for a couple of days before she became lethargic...where would i go and what kind of sand would i use to make a place for her to lay her eggs
From what I have learned on these forums, which has been very helpful and fueled my passion for these guys, is that a compact uvb light isn't good. The fluorescent ones are better. Also, the red heat lamp is like a bright light to them at night. I don't use any sort of light in my set up at night. In fact all my lights are on a timer set for 10 hour days and 14 hour nights. The first female veiled I bought came with a glass 72 gal tank and I thought this guy knew what he was doing, apparently not. She had severe MBD, no nutrition, non of the right lights, let alone being in a sealed glass cage. She died after about a month of me trying to revive her, even vet trips and new cages and vits, nothing helped and she was sleeping all day and not eating unless I pretty much forced her poor mouth open.
You don't need any lights on at night and the red wont really help with anything
This below is a dusting schedule if you want it

week 1:
mon-fri: calcium without d3
sat: none
sun: calcium with d3

week 2:
mon-fri: calcium without d3
sat: none
sun: vitamins

week 3:
repeat week 1

week 4:
repeat week 2

At the end if the month just start over.

You really should post a picture. Your definition of the cage seems climbless. drift wood?
The minimum size of (opaque) container you need for the sand is...when its empty, the chameleon should fit into it with several inches to spare on all sides and it should be about 10 inches deep. Fill it about 3/4 full of washed playsand that has been moistened enough that it will hold a tunnel.

Do not let the chameleon see you watching her when she is digging. If she doesn't dig to lay eggs then she will likely need to go to the vets.
and yes she was hangin out on the ground of the cage for a couple of days before she became lethargic...where would i go and what kind of sand would i use to make a place for her to lay her eggs

It sounds like egg laying is a definite possibility for her.

The minimum size of (opaque) container you need for the sand is...when its empty, the chameleon should fit into it with several inches to spare on all sides and it should be about 10 inches deep. Fill it about 3/4 full of washed playsand that has been moistened enough that it will hold a tunnel.

Do not let the chameleon see you watching her when she is digging. If she doesn't dig to lay eggs then she will likely need to go to the vets.

I bolded kinyonga's comment about the sand needing to be wet because I never saw that tip until after I'd lost my female to a failure to lay. Contact your local home improvement store to see if they carry playsand. Most do.
She def needs a laying bin. But you also said she had white spots on her? She may be getting ready to shed. Often they will stop eatting and act funny before shedding. If she doesn't improve quickly i'd have a vet check her out.
Sadly layla died yesterday....made her a bin for layin eggs....she climbed down to it...which was more like fell into it and laid there for a bit....she crawled around it for a little while but then about 20 minutes later she had died.....

I have another female that is the same age...she like layla didn't grow at all in the last 5 months...she climbs around and eats and seems to be in good health....if anyone wants to pm me with a care sheet that would be great...I don't want this happening to her...seems that we got over our heads with these guys and I want to make sure this other female stays healthy
Sadly layla died yesterday....made her a bin for layin eggs....she climbed down to it...which was more like fell into it and laid there for a bit....she crawled around it for a little while but then about 20 minutes later she had died.....

I have another female that is the same age...she like layla didn't grow at all in the last 5 months...she climbs around and eats and seems to be in good health....if anyone wants to pm me with a care sheet that would be great...I don't want this happening to her...seems that we got over our heads with these guys and I want to make sure this other female stays healthy
Oh, I'm so sorry about Layla (great name, by the way).

I think you have lots of info here to hopefully avoid another bad experience with your other chameleon. If you click on the board link for "home" on the main page you'll find you can work your way to care sheets for just about any chameleon.

If you have specific questions, there are loads of knowledgeable people here (not me!) who can help you so post questions and give all the info you can (fill out the "how to ask for help" form for every thread you get involved with...I'd suggest filling it out in a WORD doc and saving it so you can just do a copy and paste)
layla was 6 months....the last thread was a while ago..or a mistake....i got them both at a reptile expo back in october.....thanks all for ur help
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