few questions


New Member
my fisher is now eating an drinking well.untill i can get a more suitable cage im haveing to keep him in a 56 gal tank.what is sutable to cover the bottom of the enclosure.im useing a mix of eco-earth an peat don't know if that sutable or not.but (why) is he diggin in the substrate an if i build a enclosure would nylon window screen work or should i use the 1/4in hardware mesh.all material is free where i work.im just learning about chams guys.
my fisher is now eating an drinking well.untill i can get a more suitable cage im haveing to keep him in a 56 gal tank.what is sutable to cover the bottom of the enclosure.im useing a mix of eco-earth an peat don't know if that sutable or not.but (why) is he diggin in the substrate an if i build a enclosure would nylon window screen work or should i use the 1/4in hardware mesh.all material is free where i work.im just learning about chams guys.
the best substrate is no substrate at all. plus, you might need a digging site soon. like Dean said, your cham might be a SHE
I have to agree with Dean. Maybe you were sold a Female and not a Male. If thats the case, she might be looking for a place to lay.
here's the best pic i have right now.


  • SD531089.JPG
    52.3 KB · Views: 145
I know both male and female fishers chameleons have the rostral horns.
From what i can see in the photo...it looks like a female to me.
I'm not an expert with this species, but I'm making a guess.
The digging does sound like a female to me.
Maybe someone that has kept the species before can give you a 100% answer.
i read for a diggin site im suppost to use potting soil fairly deep in a container.im lost somewhere because people say not to use substrate in my enclosure.
Looks like a male Bradypodion fischeri multituberculatum to me. Females of that species only have small rostral nubs.

He's not in the best enclosure so that could explain why he's digging?!!?? He's most likely WC and not used to being caged up. Try and get him into a large screened cage ASAP. I've found the males are VERY active and the larger the cage the better. In fact, I've never found the males to acclimate well to captivity in that respect. The females are a little more calm.

Good luck!
no substrate in general, but only put the digging site when it's time for the female to dig.
This area, unfortunately, is not my expertise.
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