Few veild chameleon questions.


Established Member
Hello everyone i have some questions regarding my veild chameleons.

I have a brother and sister chameleon which both are 8months old.

First question when do male veilds slow down on there eating? I have been posting threads about me worrying about my male isnt eating a much as he did. He eats roughly 3-5 feeders aday. I also noticed his first sperm sack maybe this takes part on lack of appetite

Secondly, what are the tell tale signs that a female is getting ready to lay egg or has eggs inside her. I know they will walk around the botterm but are there any other signs? Like colouration? Mood?
1. Around the time when they are full grown ~1 year old. That's also the time when you start feeding them every other day.

2. Receptive colors when ready to breed, gravid colors when with eggs.
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