Finally got the Mist King!


New Member
Just got my Mist King system. I packed up my home-made misting system (which i was very proud of) and said goodbye to the headaches! Mist King was easy to set up and works great. Money well spent. Can i get a hell yeah?!:D
Hell to the yeah!! Thinking of picking one up myself! I would like to get Maynard his big boy cage 1st...
It works great for me. You have to use filtered water. RO water is the best. If not your nozzle will get clogged. Try replacing your spray nozzle. They are super cheap. :D
I have not heard anything good about the habba mist. Never tried it personally.
Hello I am new to chams just this week and brought home a panther. Should I look into buying this product? I am having trouble keeping his cage above 40% hum. When I mist it with my bottle I get to to 70-80 for a bit but would it benfit him more to have that more than a few times a day with a timed sprayer??

Thanks <3
Hell yeah! One of the best investments I've ever made in my chameleons.

Lintini, I certainly recommend it. It'll mist the cage as many times as you want automatically, so you're not a slave to the 4-7 mistings a day it might take. It'll definitely keep the humidity up.
Hell Yeah! Hand misted one week. Then ordered Mistking. I have never looked back and will NEVER go back :D
My MistKing took an age to arrive from Canada but it was well worth the wait. My Chams are well hydrated and saves me so much time.

Cracking product 10/10
How large does the Reservoir bucket need to be for the starter mister system? I'm planning on using 2-4 nozzles. MistKings are sooo cool!
As big as you want it to be, really. It depends how long you want to leave it alone before you refill it or how big your waste water containers are. Mine is a ~60L plastic container, and I have a 5 gal bucket under each cage. I mist close to 40 minutes a day with my Mistking so I refill the reservoir every 3-4 days and empty the drainage buckets once a week or so.
mist king is basically a must, and it makes your life a whole lot easier..worth the investment. drainage system is also a must, too. you can get creative with this. there are several threads on this forum that discuss various ways to build simple and cheap systems to complex and more time consuming ones. good luck!
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