i'm not sure, i was browsing and this showed up View attachment 174268

yes i will be ordering online through a breeder (not sure which one yet) and we would be interested in a male ambilobe panther, but we haven't completely decided yet. Good call on the vets thing, that would really be a lot of stress leaving the only place it has ever known to get in a box to go to a strange place only to get into another box in a different place, only to be put in another box in a different place. Thank you for your input!

Light Your Reptiles is an excellent supplier with excellent customer service. I have something like 20 banks of lights from Light Your Reptiles. The T5 bulbs have better penetration than the wider lights. I think the T# refers to the width based in eigths of an inch.

There really is not need to go to a vet with a new baby unless there is something wrong. Their knowledge of chameleon husbandry is somewhat limited. It isn't like a dog or a cat that needs veterinary care as a puppy (worming and vaccinations).
just ordered a few artificial plants, some Bio Vines, Repti-Vite, and i'm about to order the bulbs, calcium without d3, mistking, and i'm going to my local lowes and home depot to see if they may have any plants. If they don't any suggestions on where i can purchase live plants from? I believe we have a plant nursery that's not too far away from us, so i will probably go and check that out. I'm going for a pothos, i've heard it is easy to keep alive. i had a hibiscus in with my last cham and it died within a week:cautious:(the plant not the cham LOL) i'm so ready for everything to get here so i can get everything ready! It should all be here within about 2 weeks at the latest. Thanks for your help everyone!
Ok i was looking on the mistking wesbsite, I'm thinking that i should get just the starter one but would it be better to get the advanced or ultimate? I'm not planning on having a whole lot of nozzles that's why i was thinking the smaller one that connects up to 10 nozzles. I don't think i'm going to need 30 nozzles, but would it be better to get a bigger one? Thanks
Ok i was looking on the mistking wesbsite, I'm thinking that i should get just the starter one but would it be better to get the advanced or ultimate? I'm not planning on having a whole lot of nozzles that's why i was thinking the smaller one that connects up to 10 nozzles. I don't think i'm going to need 30 nozzles, but would it be better to get a bigger one? Thanks
You don't really need the bigger mistking for 1 cham
Ok i was looking on the mistking wesbsite, I'm thinking that i should get just the starter one but would it be better to get the advanced or ultimate? I'm not planning on having a whole lot of nozzles that's why i was thinking the smaller one that connects up to 10 nozzles. I don't think i'm going to need 30 nozzles, but would it be better to get a bigger one? Thanks

You don't need a bigger pump. Buy some extra bits, though. I believe the starter kit does not come with a tube cutter (a life saver!), a ball valve (to shut off the line between the reservoir and the pump), extra tubing (always handy and really cheap) and extra nozzles. Once in awhile something in the nozzle fails and it is handy to just replace it rather than do without as you wait for parts. You might want to have a T-connector or two just in case you get another chameleon or want to hook up more than one nozzle. I only use one nozzle per cage unless I have a cage of babies.
You don't need a bigger pump. Buy some extra bits, though. I believe the starter kit does not come with a tube cutter (a life saver!), a ball valve (to shut off the line between the reservoir and the pump), extra tubing (always handy and really cheap) and extra nozzles. Once in awhile something in the nozzle fails and it is handy to just replace it rather than do without as you wait for parts. You might want to have a T-connector or two just in case you get another chameleon or want to hook up more than one nozzle. I only use one nozzle per cage unless I have a cage of babies.
Just curious what you would use the ball valve for?
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