First baby hatched


New Member
it is so exciting. I had my first egg hatch this weekend and is really robust. Actually, I have had four come out with one poking his nose out of the shell. I will take more pics, but here is the first one.


  • 20090509 First Hatched Veil.jpg
    20090509 First Hatched Veil.jpg
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Whoohoo! awesom Jan, you must be stoked! How exciting to see such a unique lizard hatching (i know its no longer novelty for some of you, but I still enjoy watching beardys hatch :))

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really cool to know this baby is less than 7 minutes away from me. Hey how is your leg maybe you can meet me and daniel at petsmart this coming saturday
What a little cutie congrats, i remember my first one only a few weeks ago. Time fly's and they grow like weeds & eat like crazy, enjoy.:)
Congrats Naomi!!!!! That's so exciting!!!!! Such a cute little one! I can't wait to see more pics. Jann
dI have 4 livewires and 2 emerging. The veilds are bigger than the month old nosybes. I am still feeding them flies and the veilds will be eating crickets in no time. Maybe once they are all hatched.
i have my nurery shoe boxes next to each other and it is amazing! i should get some comparison pics.
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