First cham!!!!!!

Something Cold

New Member
Just got back from the pet store with my new 6 month old male veiled, Brick! He seems to be doing pretty well considering he hasn't had any UVB for 3 weeks. I don't see any signs of MBD which is great! He already ate 6 crickets, and is exploring his enclosure like a champ. The only question I have is that there seems to be something poking out of his butt. It looks almost like a hair. Not entirely sure what it is and was wondering if anyone here new what it was. Anyways thanks for all the great help and info you guys gave me :D


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could you get a pic of it? It probably is just a sperm plug. They can look like a hair sort of. He will expel it at some point. If it was moving around like a worm, then I would be worried. I am glad you got him from the pet store. Congratulations!
get him out in the sun tomorrow if you can.

I'm positive it wasn't moving, it was just dark and probably like quarter of an inch long. And about taking him outside, I cant really bring his entire enclosure outside, so should I just take him out and put him in a bucket (or something along those lines) with a stick?
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