First Dubia Colony


Avid Member
Bought my first Dubia Colony and I must say EEEEW :eek:but that's how much I love my boys :D. So far though, neither Cabo (veiled) or Rocko (panther) have shown any interest. Is there a trick to getting them to eat them?
If they hand feed, try holding a roach in your hand with it on it's back. The legs usually draw the chameleons attention.
If they hand feed, try holding a roach in your hand with it on it's back. The legs usually draw the chameleons attention.

That does work pretty well, but if you don't have the time, put a shallow dish (I like chinese platter take out containers) and leave the dubia upside down. Literally stab the little guy a few times with a thumb tack or something just as sharp and pointy.

Mean, but who really cares? :p You'll love the sound the dubias make when they get bitten into from the side!!!!!! :D Crrrunnnnnccccchhhhhh!! ;)
Bought my first Dubia Colony and I must say EEEEW :eek:but that's how much I love my boys :D. So far though, neither Cabo (veiled) or Rocko (panther) have shown any interest. Is there a trick to getting them to eat them?

Hi Donna,

Glad to see your enjoying them loll jk. Your going to have to start with smaller ones and work your way up, at the same time your not going to want to feed them for a day or two and boom you got it they will eat anything that moves at that point in time.

I recently got a well started colony of dubias when I bought a male veiled from an individual selling him locally. My beardie and my female veiled love them, but my male veiled and my carpet cham don't want to have anything to do with them. Maybe I'll try the not feeding for a few days and then introducing them. But then again, my female veiled will eat anything that doesn't eat her first!
Sometimes they like to watch

Let the non dubia eaters see the other chameleons eat them. We have had some success with animals eating things they wouldnt eat just because they saw other things eat them.

Digby Rigby _______________________
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