First taste of sunshine!

Miss Lily

Chameleon Enthusiast
Monty had his first taste of real UV's today! It has been lovely here in the UK (most unusual for February!:rolleyes:) I had Monty out and let him climb onto the curtain tie-back. He sat there in the sun and dropped his gular and spread his belly out! That was the first time he has had a 'proper' bask in the sun. I know that UV doesn't pass through glass, but he enjoyed the warmth.

Encouraged by this, I took him outside and sat on the back door step with him on my finger and he LOVED it! No pics of outside as I wasn't quite sure how he would react and needed both hands free just in case! I can't wait for summer to arrive - he is going to love being outside! I love how they know the difference between real and fake UV and how they bask so much better when outside! I love my little solar powered Montysaur!:D

First time I've seen him basking properly :D

Also wanted to share these pics just because he is so darn cute! :D


He is just too cute!!!!

Hope we have a nice Summer Tiff!!!

Would love to get Simba out there too!!! :cool::cool::cool:
Had my guys outside on Tuesday. They were lovin the real uvb's. It would be nice to have a prolonged spring this yr. So they can enjoy as many outside days as possible.

Your jacksons looks awesome, he was showing some cool colors.
It's not usually this nice at this time of year, it was below freezing for days earlier this month, lol! It was just right to sit outside without a coat today and I know if it's not too cold for me then it's ok for the chams! Normally I take them out to the back garden and sit on the decking, but the doorstep is a good starting place until I can be sure he won't suddenly freak out and try to flee!
Had my guys outside on Tuesday. They were lovin the real uvb's. It would be nice to have a prolonged spring this yr. So they can enjoy as many outside days as possible.

Your jacksons looks awesome, he was showing some cool colors.

You think? I don't like his drab basking colours much. He brightens up to a lovely green when he sits on my hand! That's the colour I like him best, his happy green!
I'm not sure about the pink tint - I was wearing a red top so it may have something to do with the sun shining off that onto him. Having said that, one of Monty's siblings is very red and she also has a single tiny horn too! My friend is keeping her and has named her 'Rosy' due to her redness! :D
You think? I don't like his drab basking colours much. He brightens up to a lovely green when he sits on my hand! That's the colour I like him best, his happy green!

I like the splotchy, darker patterns jacksons show when younger.
The brite green is nice, but it gets boring after a stretch of it:p

He looks really great, very nice shots:)
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