Fish sticks

Sir Spiral Tail

New Member
I had a thought this morning about using like small goldfish, or minnows as a feeder...i imagine you would have to hand feed, but what do you guys think? It's certainly not a natural thing for them to eat, but the nutritional value makes sense to me...Maybe even to help clear up the system in the case of a compaction. I am not really wanting to do it myself...just an idea, figured it would be a nice discussion...

I'm sure you will need to worry about the sanitary conditions the fish is being kept in, if it could transmit any diseases to your chameleon, what it has been fed (many sources of fish food are high in Vit A I believe), what chemicals were used in the water..

There is a variety of healthy feeders already available for chameleons, and I am not too sure they would be eating fish often, if any up high in those trees.

As for "nutritional value", you'd have to look that one up.
Haha, i can imagine a cham by the river like a bear, snaggin up some salmon. Ha, sorry, just thought it was a decent discussion idea. That is true though, chems and swimmin in their own waste...and the fish food. Maybe put them on a fruit fly diet
fishy sticks

I will occasionally hand feed my cham a few fish flakes, they are inexpensive healthy and he seems to quite enjoy them. Ill also toss some in with the crickets as part of the gutload.
I will occasionally hand feed my cham a few fish flakes, they are inexpensive healthy and he seems to quite enjoy them. Ill also toss some in with the crickets as part of the gutload.
How often do you feed fish flakes..? There could be a vitamin A problem that you will cause in the future.
yes, syn is right. you dont want hypervitamate your chameleon. fresh collards, fruits and veggies, bee pollen is a primary gut load. fish flakes once in a while. but i dont think it would be a good idea to just plain feed the chameleon fish flakes
They aren't fish but I know that poison dart frogs bring their tadpoles up into the trees to grow up, I am willing to bet tadpole is a part of a costa rican chams diet :D Who couldn't resist a helpless wiggly thing
The costa rican chameleon is pretty big. I think a tad pole would be too small for it. They mainly eat monkeys and larger birds.
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