fish tank


New Member
hi. im planning on adding a fish tank to my room near my cham cage. do you think he would get stressed out by seeing the fish? or should i just give it a try and see his reactions. i mean he's not the easily stressed type. my dog comes in and out all the time and he dont really mind.
I doubt it, but you never know what is going to upset them. Mine hates my lawnmower...go figure!!!
I have a fishtank across the room and Everytime my panther gizmo is out all he wants todo if he sees the tank is sit there and stare at the fish. I swear he almost smiles looking at them.
i always read about petco or petsmart people being terrible at chams. but how about their knowledge on fish?

Petsmart people suck at everything. If you go ask them how many legs a dog has they'll probably say five. The only advantage is that most of their things are cheaper since they buy a lot.
I have my cham cage and water dragon tank literally touching each other.. And neither of them care.. So I don't think fish would bother your Cham.
i always read about petco or petsmart people being terrible at chams. but how about their knowledge on fish?

It 100% depends on the store and the people. Here in my town, there is a guy there that is really good with Freshwater fish, and pretty dang good with most reptiles. A year ago, their department was horrible.
Ironically, I used to avoid petco's fish department because of all their dead fish. Now I actually avoid the smaller specialty store because i have seen more Ich and floaters in their tanks during the last 6 months. Also, those guys do not remove aptaisia anenomes from their salt water live rock. I have even pointed them out and told them they should remove them. "Oh, I did not know what those were, I will have to tell the fish expert..." Still there 2 weeks later. They think it is helping them market their live rock. Anyone who has been in reef tanks for more than 5 minutes knows to avoid aptaisia like the plauge.

Sorry... got a little off topic.

Long store short, do what I do. Do some homework, come up with a list of leading questions, and a few open ended ones, that you know good answers to and innocently ask. See if they know what they are talking about. Thats how I evaluate petstore people.
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