Fishing with his tongue!!


New Member
Has any one ever seen there cham literally fish with there tongues???? I was watching my Nosy be hang over a container to get a cricket, and when he missed the first time his tongue rolled back up. but the second time it slowly came out like normal but it jus kept rolling out slowly and then hung it there for a second and moved around. and when i moved the bowl he rolled it back up and moved away to try again haha.
no i havent seen the tongue roll or fish like that ive only seen a straight shot and grab and chew lol but get a pic sometime if u can ever see it again
You've gotta realize that when the target is close to them ... chams can't see it anymore
I've had mine slowly ( timidly) reach out and try to grab a food item that is being held close to their mouths
I wouldn't describe it as "fishing" unless I misunderstood your post
but the action isn't a full power tongue shot rather than a upclose reach and grab attempt.
Surprisingly I have seen many posts on here where chams have a problem and can't retract their tongues. I am not 100% sure what the cause was (possibly hydration issues) but I have read a couple times of the cham losing their tongues because of this. So you probably want to monitor this pretty close. But I have never read about the cham doing this as a hunting method.
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